Ultherapy Skin Tightening


Rediscover your skin's youthful firmness with Ultherapy®, an innovative treatment that gently lifts and tightens without downtime. Discover the benefits of this non-surgical cosmetic treatment, how it works, and what to expect before and after your session.
A Natural Lift Without Downtime
Long-Lasting Results

What is 

Ultherapy Skin Tightening


Ultherapy® is a cosmetic procedure that combats signs of aging by gently lifting and tightening the skin. Using ultrasound technology to stimulate collagen production, this treatment is the non-surgical answer to a more youthful contour where it counts.

How does it work?

Ultherapy® uses focused ultrasound energy to target the foundational layers of your skin, energizing its deeper tissues. Your body responds by stimulating new collagen production and elastic tissue. Your skin begins to lift and tighten naturally as collagen regenerates over time, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Pre-Treatment Preparation

1. Consultation

Schedule a consultation with our experienced medical professionals to discuss your goals and assess your suitability for this treatment.

2. Avoid Sun Exposure

Avoid direct sun exposure to the treatment area and any form of tanning for one week before your session to maintain your skin’s integrity.

3. Stay Hydrated

Prioritize hydration in the days leading up to your treatment to ensure your skin is in optimal condition.

2. Avoid Blood Thinners

If possible, please avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements, such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and fish oil, for one week prior to your treatment. Our team will carefully review your prescription medications prior to your treatment.

Post-Treatment Care

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to support your skin's natural healing process.

Avoid Strenuous Activity

Avoid vigorous exercise and high-heat environments for the first 24 hours after your procedure to let your skin settle.

Skin Care

Avoid products containing ASA or NSAIDs for 24 hours after treatment, to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Follow-Up Appointments

Please feel free to schedule a follow-up appointment to address any concerns.

Expected Results for 

Ultherapy Skin Tightening

The natural regeneration of collagen will gently lift and tighten your skin over the course of 3-6 months following your Ultherapy® session. It’s possible to see immediate results shortly after treatment, but full results will unfold gracefully over time, offering a refreshed and more youthful appearance that can last up to a year or more.
Ultherapy Skin Tightening
Ultherapy Skin Tightening

Ultherapy Skin Tightening

 Can Help With:

FAQ for 

Ultherapy Skin Tightening

Is Ultherapy® safe?

Absolutely. Ultherapy® has a well-documented safety profile when administered by experienced medical professionals. Our team's expertise with this technology ensures a safe, satisfying experience tailored to your skin's unique needs.

What areas can be treated with Ultherapy®?

Ultherapy® shines in lifting and tightening the skin on the neck, on the lower face, and above the eyebrow. It's also effective for improving lines and wrinkles on the décolletage. 

How long does an Ultherapy® treatment take?

Most treatments take 60-90 minutes. Larger areas may be completed over 2 sessions.

Is there any downtime with Ultherapy®?

None at all. You can resume your daily activities immediately post-treatment. It's the epitome of a 'lunchtime lift'.

How long will my Ultherapy® results last?

The beauty of Ultherapy® is its lasting results. You'll see initial improvement that matures, with optimal results typically lasting up to 2 years. Post-treatment enhances and optimal skin care can help keep pace with your body's natural aging process.

Does Ultherapy® replace a facelift?

While Ultherapy® doesn't duplicate the results of a surgical facelift, it's a clinically proven non-invasive alternative for those not ready for surgery, or for those looking to extend the effects of cosmetic surgery.

Can Ultherapy® be combined with other treatments?

Yes, Ultherapy® pairs beautifully with other treatments like injectables and laser therapy for a comprehensive approach to enhancing your natural beauty. The choice of treatments will depend on your specific concerns and aesthetic goals, which we'll discuss during your consultation.

When will I see results from Ultherapy®?

Some of our patients notice an initial effect right after their treatment, but the real results appear over 3-6 months as new collagen works to lift and tighten skin. Think of it as a gradual unveiling of your skin's true potential.

Is Ultherapy® painful?

While everyone’s pain tolerance is different, most of our patients report some discomfort during treatment. We're committed to making your experience as pleasant as possible, with options available to ensure you remain comfortable throughout.

How do I know if I'm a good candidate for Ultherapy®?

You’re an ideal candidate for Ultherapy® if you have mild to moderate skin laxity, where your skin begins to feel and look less firm. A consultation with our experienced medical professionals will help you understand if this treatment is right for you. Atlantic Skin Care has been a trusted source for Cosmetic services for over 20 years and is proud to be the only clinic with Ultherapy  in Halifax, Dartmouth and Nova Scotia.

You're in good hands with Atlantic Skin Care

20+ Years in Business

Over 50,000 Treatments Performed

Over 75,000 Satisfied Patients

Atlantic Skin Care staff and team lined up outside smiling at camera

Book Your 

Ultherapy Skin Tightening
